
Spaces of humanity, terror and exception

Sun 09 15:32 - 15:50

Refugees and terrorists form a crux around which the public sphere dilates, producing distortions in the legislative structure formerly believed to be consolidated in liberal democracies: floating hotspots, surveillance programmes, special courts, mandatory de-radicalization courses, blacklisting and imposed transfers have now become part of our everyday life and media discourse. Just how much risk is inherent in the arrival of migrants, who assesses it, with which algorithm, in the name of what form of security and with what effects on society? Behind the phenomenon, the epochal tragedy of the Syrian war, which continues to tighten its grip, producing monsters, without an end in sight. Even further away, almost removed from our minds, there are echoes of a close bond between terror and sovereignty, between the state and violence which, nonetheless, owing to a gradual shift towards the idea of exceptional measures in the name of security, is threatening to raise its ugly head here as well.

Families, adults, children and entire populations on the move to reach places far-removed from warfare and suffering: these are the protagonists of now regular photograms in magazines and newspapers, the media, and global social networks. A growing issue of concern for the digital world as well, to the point that Internet access has been defined as the “facilitator of human rights” by Mark Zuckerberg. Above and beyond the financial focus of the expansion of the connected world, the Web makes available services and apps dedicated to the issue to individuate and produce effective solutions to some of the most urgent problems: locating accommodation, rediscovering family and friends who are also escaping their countries, managing reception, following and offering courses and education. Digital connections are also fundamental in communicating positive or emblematic stories, offering political perspectives, delineating a strong and solid territorial network that attenuates the social impact of migration and offers support to those fleeing from barbarism. Accurate and precise storytelling that encompasses music, the conveyor of stories that go beyond every boundary and barrier.


Teatro Verdi
Via Palestro, 40, Pisa, PI, Italia
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