The Feltrinelli bookshop opened in Pisa in February 1957 on 117 Corso Italia as the Librerie Feltrinelli. Small but important, it was a point of reference for the university and citizens alike. In October 1993 it moved to number 50 Corso Italia, which previously held the famous “Rosticceria Fiorentina”, a favourite haunt of Pisan intellectuals. The bookshop is easy to get to as Corso Italia is one of the main streets in the historic centre. It connects Ponte di Mezzo with the train station, on the route leading to the Piazza dei Miracoli (via Borgo Stretto). The bookshop is organised by topic, in both the essay and the literature sections. There is also a large number of paperbacks on offer, from classic Latin and Greek works to contemporary fiction. But the most abundant sections in the bookshop – due to the high level of university professors and students visiting it – are history, philosophy, linguistics, science, IT and education. The Pisa Feltrinelli is well known and loved; not least for its large internal garden, sheltered by a centuries-old wisteria tree, which houses an exhibition space – with sections on tourism, local history and foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish and Russian) – as well as a reading area where clients can sit down on a bench to rest and consult books for sale or the daily newspapers, provided by the bookshop.

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