Beppe Gromi is a painter, writer and theatre director. In 1984 he joined one of the most important youth theatre companies, the Bagatto company in Turin. In 1993 he founded the Fabula Rasa company and set off on other paths. In 1996, he won the “Città di Padova” award for the show entitled “Mondotondo”. In 1999 he created the inclusion project Teatro Senza Confini for the diversely able. Fabula Rasa is by definition open to contamination and produces various shows in which diversely able actors share the stage together with professional dancers and musicians. The company is based on strong relationships and a constant regeneration of troupe members, who either stay forever or just for a while. Fabula Rasa’s most recent creation is a show entitled “Dove cielo tocca mare” (Where the sky touches the sea) with a group of African asylum-seeking children, the choreographer Debora Giordi and the composer Pasquale Lauro. The Black Fabula group was created because…”at any moment we can find a new beginning…” (P.Brook).
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