
Claudio Germak


Claudio Germak is an architect and designer and teaches industrial design at the Turin Polytechnic. He studies production systems for industrial and artisan design. He is a product and process expert and has produced designer products and patents, curated exhibitions and installations, directed national and international research initiatives. Today he manages the ethical design team at the Turin Polytechnic, with young researchers interested in the design and evaluation of the digital user experience and interaction design, mainly in the transport systems sector and service robotics for TIM Jol Crab/Turin Polytechnic (Responsible design for Robotics, 24/05/2015, Il Sole 24 Ore Nòva).
He was senior partner at Studio De Ferrari Architetti from 1986 to 2011 and has written more than 120 papers and has received many awards, the most recent being the Digital Think-in for the digital voice for museums, at the MAXXI in Rome in 2015.