I am the Country Director for Italy on Change.org, the online petition platform that gives citizens of the world the possibility of creating the social change that they want to see. I arrived at Change.org in 2012, and before then I dealt with communication for various projects, among which was the communication for the development of the FAO. I have coordinated various communication activities in the field for Doctors Without Borders; in particular with the immigrants at Malta and during the cholera epidemic in Luanda, Angola. I have had some experience as a press officer, a reporting photographer, and as a journalist. Before having this blog, I had a few others in which I wrote primarily about travelling; my great passion. I have travelled alone quite a lot, primarily in Africa and Latin America. I have a degree in Journalism with a research thesis that I carried out in Rwanda on the relationship between media, colonial language, and genocide. I also have a Bachelor’s in Anthropology.
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