Dr Emma Pietrafesa (PhD) Research Assistant (Inail-Research Sector), Subject Assistant (LUMSA University) and Communicator. Post-university specialisations in public communication and international relations. International work experience: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) – Brussels (Permanent Representative of Italy-Press and Communications Office); Wyeth Lederle S. p. A. – Aprilia (Sales and Marketing Office); Amnesty International – Brussels (Francophone section-Press and Communications Office); M. V. Lomonosov State University – Moscow (Faculty of Philology). A fluent speaker of Italian, English, French and Russian. Has been working in the sector of research and communication for more than 10 years, with a focus on: gender studies, ICT and social media with an impact on lifestyles, health and safety at work. She is editorial coordinator of the academic review RES PUBLICA and works on online newspapers in the POWER&GENDER sector. International relations manager for Galaxia-Via Lattea Cultural Association. Was scientific administrator for the ICEF (International Court of the Environment Foundation). Member of the Italian Association of Public and Institutional Communication. Is on the committee of Stati Generali dell’Innovazione (SGI) with the title of Treasurer and is part of the WISTER (Women for Intelligent and Smart TERritories) network. She has published (in Italian, French and English) more than 30 items including articles, essays and monographs, and has done editorial work for scientific and academic publications. A lecturer and speaker at conferences and seminars in the sector.
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