BIO: Francesco Malavolta is a photo-journalist and member of the Chamber of Journalists of Calabria. He has first studied at the Istituto Superiore della Fotografia in Rome and afterwards at the IED in Milan. Since 1994 he has been working with national and international photo-agencies as well as humanitarian organisations such as UNHCR and IOM. Since 2011 on behalf of Frontex (an EU Agency) he has been reporting the situation at the European borders. From the very beginning of his career he has focused on migration flows, in particular those using sea routes, and started with people arriving from Albania over the 90s. He is strict and meticulous in approaching every job assignment as if it was the first one. He gathers info and never takes anything for granted in order to convey his idea of migrations: a constant flow of people who may lose their names and identity dissolving in the crowd. His ultimate goal is telling stories through simple images. He has worked with Associated Press, European Community, Frontex, IOM and UNHCR.
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