Francesco Paolo Micozzi is a lawyer and works in criminal law. He is particularly interested in IT law, new technologies, privacy and copyright. He collaborates with the department of legal informatics and advanced legal informatics of the University of Milan and is a fellow at the Hermes Centre for Transparency and Digital Human Rights. He has written various papers on informatics law and copyright and has spoken at various major national conventions. In addition to his activities in the legal profession, he holds seminars for professionals and public administrations’ employees on legal informatics, copyright, computer safety, e-government and criminal law. He writes for LeggiOggi and has his own blog on the HuffingtonPost and Quid Novi. He is a member of the FIIF (Italian foundation for forensic innovation) working group for the CNF (National Forensic Council) as well as of the working groups “Surveillance” and “e-Justice” tfor the CNF and in Bruxelles for the CCBE (Conseil des Barreaux Européens).
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