Since 1997 I have been working in online business and E-commerce as a digital marketing manager and freelance professional for major Italian firms in various sectors.
Since 2012 I have been a part-time lecturer in E-commerce and Multichannel Retail for the specialisation degree course in Marketing, Consumption and Communication at IULM University.
I am the author of Social Commerce for Apogeo and Vendere Online for Il Sole 24 Ore.
I am also the co-author of Social Media Marketing, strategie e tecniche per aziende B2B e B2C and Manuale di Social Media Marketing for Hoepli, Viaggi in Rete for Angeli and Comunicazione Liberata for Brioschi. In 2008 I self-published, in e-book format, 91 discutibili tesi per un marketing diverso.
In 2004 I created minimarketing.it, which is today one of the most widely-read Italian blogs in the sector.
In association with Alessandra Farabegoli I founded Digital Update, one of Italy’s foremost digital training workshops.
I also teach on the IULM Masters course in Web Communication at the Il Sole 24 Ore Business School, the Masters in Communication at the University of Siena, the Masters in Communication at the University of San Marino and the Masters in Digital Economics at Ca’ Foscari.
I am a member of the scientific committee for the Masters in Social Media and Web Communication at IULM.
I have appeared as a speaker at the Festival of Journalism, several Social Media Weeks, BTO, TTG and other events. I have written for Wired, Apogeo and Codice Edizioni, and taken part in broadcasts for SkyTG24, Radio 24, Class-CNBC, Radio Rai and others.
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