Giorgio De Michelis teaches Informatics for Organizations and Interaction Design at the University of Milano – Bicocca. His research focuses on models of concurrent systems (Petri Nets), computer supported cooperative work, community-ware, knowledge management and interaction design. From April 2008 Giorgio De Michelis is engaged in the design and development of itsme, a radically new Linux-based operating system for workstations.
He is co-author, together with Thomas Binder, Pelle Ehn, Giulio Jacucci, Per Linde and Ina Wagner, of the book “Design Things”, published in Autumn 2011 by MIT Press.
He is among the funding members of EUSSET (European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies).
He is vice-president of Fondazione IRSO and member of the Scientific Committee of the Pollicina Academy.
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