Director of Sales and Marketing ITEDI GROUP – CEO PUBLIKOMPASS
Deep knowledge of the digital world (including e-commerce), of the publishing, of networks and BtoB commercial, BtoC marketing expert and communication.
Graduated in Business Administration at Bocconi began his career in marketing at Publitalia’80 then move in Mondadori Advertising as Head of Special Project and then in Mondadori Publisher in the Communication Department in charge of advertising for newspapers and books. Passed in June 2000 in A. Manzoni & C., first as Business Unit TV Manager and later as Business Unit Internet Manager, to become Central Marketing Director of Gruppo Editoriale L’Esperesso.
In 2010 in Publikompass as Marketing Director Planning and Development, then Deputy Director General National Advertising and from 2013 CEO.
“Revenue Manager” in ITEDI from 2013, responsible as well as of the BtoB and BtoC revenues, all marketing activities and communications of the publisher.
Delegate in Fedoweb, board member of Audiweb, consortium Premium Publisher Network and Italian Newsstand.
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