Paola Alberti, originally from Maremma, lives in Pisa. After having studied under the guidance of the Greek-specialist Vincenzo Di Benedetto, she graduated in Performing Arts and Communications, and was the student of both Dacia Maraini and Vincenzo Cerami.
She is president of the only European Prize available to women in the “noir” genre. She has collaborated as a journalist at Visto, Il Tireno E Panorama, has hosted a TV feature on her books, and wrote the first interactive, multi-media environmental collection for the publisher Erasmus CD in1995. She founded the literary movement “Angry Pens [Penne arrabbiate]” in 1996 and has published the anthology La Consistenza in 1999 (published by Jaca Books). Her books are: Eva Fits the Crime [Il delitto si addice a Eva] (Jaca Books, 2002), which was the object of a thesis at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Lessons in Cruelty [Lezioni di cattiveria] (2006), Dinner with the Assassin [A cena con l’assassino] (2009), Angela, Lucio and the Bad Grass [Lucio e le erbe cattive] (2014) e Contacts [Contatti] (2016). Her short stories are in thirty anthologies.
In 2004, she founded La Compagnia del Delitto.
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