


Gianfranco Tartaglia (Passepartout) started out in 1978 using the stage-name Passepartout in Paese Sera, later moving on the Il Messaggero and in 1991 to Corriere della Sera. He has worked for the country’s most important newspapers (l’Unità, La Repubblica, l’Europeo, Il Mondo, Mondo Economico, Liberetà, Auto Oggi, Sale e Pepe, Panorama, Moda, Playboy and more). In 1990 he won the « prize for political satire » at Forte dei Marmi with his book “ Leader bene chi leader ultimo”, Gremese Editore.
He has worked for Rai and Mediaset and on ad campaigns for public institutions, regions, provinces and municipalities. From 1996 to 1998 he collaborated with Mondadori on the « Oscar » 
and « Saggi » collections. He has collaborated on ad campaigns for Telecom, Enea, FinMercedes, Eds, Meyer-Squibb, Ferrovie dello Stato, Toyota, ABI.
He has been organizing talks, workshops and seminars on visual communication since 2004. He currently teaches alternative methods of communication at the University of Tor Vergata and teaches MA students at the comics school in Rome, the Scuola Internazionale di Comics.