Roberto Malfagia obtained his Master’s degree in narrative techniques in 2004, at the Holden School of Turin. He has taught creative writing and short movie screenplay writing at the Holden School. He has collaborated with Holden Art on various projects on the narrative of cultural heritage and has participated in the research project “New museographic languages” for the Fondazione Intesa – San Paolo. He has written and co-directed the documentary Il Popolo Alto and has written and directed the web documentary MolecolaIF as well as the web documentary What IF, both for the Pisa Internet Festival. He has participated in narrative technique seminars at the University of Parma and the University of Ferrara. He was a member of the editorial staff at traditional publishing houses (Giunti) as well as multimedia publishing houses (Scala Group, E-ducation.it) where he focused on e-learning. He was visual storytelling and narrative design consultant for Tele Estense (Ferrara), Omnicom Media Group, INDIRE (Istituto Nazionale Documentazione Innovazione Ricerca Educativa). He founded La Jetée and is currently a teacher, a web documentary director and narrative design consultant for digital storytelling products.
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