I was born in Bagno a Riploi in 1958. My interest in politics began when I was a child. In the first years of high school I was one of the leaders in the Movimento Studentesco and secretary of the Bagno a Ripoli Young Communist Federation.
During my first years at university I moved away from active politics. In 1982 I began work with a glass company in Empoli, where I remained until 1995. I was involved in sales, design and ultimately in management.
After the great political changes in 1990, I decided to return to active politics and was elected as a member of the Empoli municipal council. For two years I was adviser on economic development, but then had to withdraw due to my professional commitments.
In 1995 I was elected Mayor of Empoli, a fantastic experience which lasted until 2004. During this time I was also President of the Circondario Empolese Valdelsa association and the Azienda USL 11 Mayors’ Conference. Highly satisfactory years which saw increased cohesion in one of the strongest areas of a region which, by using Empoli’s strategic role as a lever, succeeded in gaining considerable ground, effectively making itself available to the development of Tuscany, with a new openness and will. These were great years for the district, with major new services like the University Campus and infrastructure like the new hospital and the SS 429 road.
After that I spent two years as President and CEO of Publiservizi S.p.A. In 2003 I founded and headed the Associazione per l’Arno, which has helped to return this enormous resource to its place at the centre of attention in Tuscan society.
In 2005 I was elected as a member of the regional council, and joined the PD group within it. During my first term of office I was President of the Third Committee on “Manufacturing Activities”; in the second I was leader of the regional Democratic Party until 14th March 2013, when Regional President Rossi appointed me as advisor to the President’s office.
In June 2015 I was re-elected as a regional councillor.
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