
Humans, robots and artificial intelligence: the Facebook case

Sat 08 17:30 - 18:20

Just a few months after the launch, already thousands of Chatbots are simulating human intelligence and interacting with humans on Facebook’s Messenger platform.

Digital Media
The multiple uses and nature of the social mediums becomes an integral part of the rhythm of daily life. Taking part in today’s social network is an inescapable means of interaction between people, a means to transmit ideas and a real professional tool, keeping pace with technological innovation. Social platforms are sites for the exchange of information and connections: amplifiers of criticism and the target of censorship. They are containers of elements that, arriving via broadcast programming, both on and off-line, can be used at all times, anywhere and on all screens, at home, individual devices and on the move. The traditional public comes together, breaks away and then reforms in communities grouped by global social networks.


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