Our literary stem cell was born in spring 2012 as a rehabilitation community for compulsive creative types, before it unwittingly became one of the most cutting collective satires on the web.
In 2013 Diecimila.me hit the headlines for its fake Casaleggio Twitter account, which quickly became a phenomenon winning various prizes at the Tweet Awards and the Macchianera Internet Awards (Best Fake Account 2013, Best Hashtag 2014 – #VinciamoPoi). The book Essere Casaleggio – Fine del mondo in tre, due, uno minuti (Being Casaleggio – the world will end in three, two, one minutes) (ADD Editore) followed.
In May 2014 BUR – Rizzoli published La vita è bella ma non ci vivrei (Life is beautiful but I won’t live it), stories about Italy in times of the economic crisis and the twitter era, a best seller in the humour and satire categories.
Tweetstars, bloggers, seducers, prize winners and various sorts of misfits are part of the collective. You will find them on the best websites, but particularly on Diecimila.me.
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