Erminia Dell’Oro was born in Eritrea, where her paternal grandfather had emigrated to from Lecco in 1896. At 20, in the 60’s, Erminia came to Italy for the first time with the intention of becoming a journalist and a writer. She has written for some of the most prestigious publishing houses, notably books on Eritrea and Italian colonization with some of them translated into other languages as well. She has also published many books for young adults and children. As a journalist, she has covered the wars involving Eritrea and Ethiopia, reporting directly from the conflict zone. She has always maintained deep links with Eritrea. She is interested in the issue of immigration and is chairwoman of the Union of Italian Readers, an association that organizes book presentations of novels, essays and poetry in Milan. She is a member of the editorial team of the monthly online publication El Ghibi. She gies talks to children and teenagers all around Italy.
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