Ernesto Belisario, Attorney at Law, graduated with honors in Administrative Law and Science.
He assists businesses and public administration organizations on issues concerning ICT law (digitalization and dematerialization, open government, open data, privacy, startups) and administrative law (procurement, construction, urban planning, public accountability and public sector services) in extrajudicial and judicial proceedings. Author of many publications on such topics, he wrote La nuova Pubblica Amministrazione Digitale and Diritto tra le nuvole: profili giuridici del cloud computing and is also co-author of I siti web delle Pubbliche amministrazioni and Come si fa open data”. He has also contributed to several entries of the Dizionario di Informatica published by Treccani.
Since 2006 he has been writing a blog on ICT law (Diritto 2.0) and he also collaborates with magazines and papers such as CheFuturo, Agendadigitale.eu, Wired.it, IlFattoQuotidiano.it.
Ernesto Belisario has been a lecturer for several courses and Masters on issues pertaining to the legal aspects of innovation and digitalization (Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione, Scuola Superiore dell’Amministrazione dell’Interno, Scuola della Pubblica Amministrazione di Regione Umbria, Università della Basilicata, Università La Sapienza, Università Cattolica e del Sacro Cuore, Università del Salento). He participates as a speaker in many national and international conferences on such topics.
Former President of the Circolo dei Giuristi Telematici and of the Italian Association for Open Government, Ernesto Belisario is Director of the Monitoring Centre for Open Government, Secretary General of the Institute for Innovation Policy and General Counsel of the Association Agorà Digitale.
He has been appointed by the President of ISTAT (Italian Institute of Statistics) as member of the Commission of Users of Statistical Information and is also part of a working group on Communication Transparency at the Department of Public Administration. Furthermore, he is member of a group of experts appointed by the Veneto Regional Authority for the regional Digital Agenda and member of the task force for the Digital Agenda of the Basilicata Region.
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