
Giulio Giorello


Giulio Giorello is a philosopher and mathematician. He has taught Philosophy of Science at the University of Milan. He is a columnist for the Corriere della Sera and manages the “Science and Ideas” series at the Raffaello Cortina publishing house. His main focuse ranges from reflections on the philosophy of mathematics to the relationship between the development of science and intellectual freedom. He headed the Italian edition of John Milton’s “Areopagitica” and together with Donald Gillies, published “The philosophy of science in the 20th century”. His most recent publications include: “The betrayal” (Longanesi, 2012), “The Philosophy of Mickey Mouse” (with Ilaria Cozzaglio, Gunada 2013), “Freedom” (Bollati Boringhieri, 2015), “Desire and the spirit” (Mondadori, 2015). Together with the geneticist Edoardo Bonicelli he has published “The intelligent ape” (Rizzoli, 2009) and “We who have a free spirit. When Hamlet met Cleoptra” (Longanesi, 2014)and with the physicist Vincenzo Barone “il tipi del Mulino”, “The Mathematics of nature” and “Talking about Mathematics”.