Guido Gili is a professor of Communication and Media Sociology at the University of Molise, where he was previously dean of the faculty of Humanities and Social Science (2002-2009) and coordinator of the PhD course in Sociology and Social Research (2004-2011). He has taught at the University of Bologna, the University of Macerata and at the LUIASS “Guido Carli” in Rome. His publications include: The mass society theory, ESI, 1990; Urban Marketing (with I. Rossi and G. Pesci), Etas Libri , 1994; The question of manipulation: the original sin of the media? FrancoAngeli, 2001; Credibility: when and why is communication successful?, Rubbettino, 2005; Televisual violence, Carocci, 2006; Conducting research on audiences (with E. De Blasio, M. Hibberd, M. Sorice), Hoepli, 2007;Communication, culture and society ( with F. Colombo), School, 2012; The public sphere in the era of digital media (with M. Hibberd and M. Sorice), a monographic title of “Sociology and Social Policies”, n.2, 2014.
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