Maurizio Melis, popularizer of science and technology, hosts the daily broadcast “Smart City, Voci e Luoghi dell’Innovazione [Smart City, Voices and Places of Innovation],” on Radio 24: Il Sole 24 Ore, where he was author and host of various programs, including the feature dedicated to efficient and renewable energy called “Mr. Kilowatt.”
As an expert on sustainability, energy, and innovation, he has collaborated with television programs such as the Cristina Parodi Show (La7) and GEO (Rai 3), as well as with newspapers including Il Sole 24, Equilibri, and Newton. He is the author of three articles published for Il Sole 24 Ore and the designer and co-founder of Science Stories [Storie di Scienza] and Varese Science Festival [Festival della scienza di Varese].
He is active as both a speaker and moderator at conferences, as well as in education aimed as much at the general public as it is at public administrators, companies, and other economic actors. He occupies himself with themes such as energy, the “smart city”, the waste cycle, the “green economy”, digital trends, and processes of innovation in general.
He is a musician in his spare time, speaks English and French, and once spent a month building a school among the Masai in the mountains of Kenya.
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