Città Senseable

Senseable Cities

Sun 09 10:45 - 11:05

The increasing deployment of sensors and hand-held electronics in recent years is allowing a new approach to the study of the built environment. The way we describe and understand cities is being radically transformed – alongside the tools we use to design them and impact on their physical structure. The contribution from Prof. Carlo Ratti will address these issues from a critical point of view through projects by the Senseable City Laboratory, a research initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the design office Carlo Ratti Associati.

Getting around the city
How will we get around the cities of the future?
Let’s synchronise our watches for tomorrow and fast forward. Cars that drive on their own and bring our shopping from the supermarket to our doorstep. Underground trains, buses and trams without drivers, arriving on the dot, otherwise our smartwatch alarm will vibrate to show we’re running late.
Advanced software will connect with the means of transport, to regulate commuter flows and finally resolve the age-old traffic problem.
How close are we to this mobility model? What aspects of the future are already present in our cities? How sustainable is this futuristic mobility model? Models, strategies and technologies to design future mobility right now.


Teatro Verdi
Via Palestro, 40, Pisa, PI, Italia
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