Getting around the city


The intelligent tire

  #MobilizingPisa How will we get around the cities of the future? Let’s synchronise our watches for tomorrow and fast forward. Cars that drive on their own and bring our shopping from the supermarket to our doorstep. Underground trains, buses and trams without drivers, arriving on the dot, otherwise our smartwatch alarm will vibrate to […]


Technology Innovation

Paving the way for sustainable mobility

  #MobilizingPisa How will we get around the cities of the future? Let’s synchronise our watches for tomorrow and fast forward. Cars that drive on their own and bring our shopping from the supermarket to our doorstep. Underground trains, buses and trams without drivers, arriving on the dot, otherwise our smartwatch alarm will vibrate to […]


Pisa Smart Mobility

  #MobilizingPisa How will we get around the cities of the future? Let’s synchronise our watches for tomorrow and fast forward. Cars that drive on their own and bring our shopping from the supermarket to our doorstep. Underground trains, buses and trams without drivers, arriving on the dot, otherwise our smartwatch alarm will vibrate to […]


Opening the road to everyone

From division to space sharing

All too often in cities such as our own, we tend to assume cars are the ones who own the streets, when actually, they are but a part of an urban space which includes many different categories of users, from pedestrians to cyclists, to motorists and motorcyclists. The consequence of this mistaken assumption is aggressiveness […]

Città Senseable

Senseable Cities

The increasing deployment of sensors and hand-held electronics in recent years is allowing a new approach to the study of the built environment. The way we describe and understand cities is being radically transformed – alongside the tools we use to design them and impact on their physical structure. The contribution from Prof. Carlo Ratti […]


Autonomous-X: a new frontier

Autonomous pervasive systems and the new industrial revolution

From the industrial revolution to now, machines have always assisted- in a subordinate role – the physical and cognitive faculties of man. With the automatic car – made possible by OdT, big data and artificial intelligence – the role of the machine changes and for the first time we can envisage systems capable of analysis […]