
Stefania Iannizzotto

Stefania Iannizzotto is Sicilian and has a degree in the history of the Italian language (with a thesis on Leopardi that received an award from the Centre for Leopardian studies in Recanati) as well as a PhD in modern philology and a Master’s degree in rare book studies. She is also a fully qualified teacher of Italian as a foreign language and teaches literature in schools. She is a postdoctoral researcher in Italian linguistics at the University of Florence and focuses on the history of the Italian language in the 16th and 19th centuries, the transmission of language (particularly through television) and the simplification of administrative and professional language. She has been collaborating with the Accademia della Crusca (the Italian society for scholars, linguists and philologists) since 2010, where she is a linguistic consultant and a member of the website editorial staff. She also takes care of the Accademia’s official Facebook page and Youtube channel. She also works for Apice Libri, a small independent publishing house and whenever she can she hops on her bicycle or goes for long walks in the mountains, always with the sea in her heart.