Valerio Pagliarino was born in Nizza Monferrato on April 14th in the year 2000. He has been interested in science since childhood, particularly electronics and physics. He is now 16 and attends the third year of the Liceo Scientifico (science and mathematics orientated high school). In 2015 he won the national Italian programming competition, the “Italian Scratch Festival”. He has taught ICT courses and develops software for research, notably for servers and microcontrollers. Late 2015 he built a cosmic ray detector and gave a conference on modern physics with CERN scientists. At the beginning of 2016, he created the LaserWAN project, a technology that uses high-voltage power lines through which certain laser rays can travel in order to deliver fibre optics even to the most isolated areas. In April, he won the national competition “Young people and science” and in September 2016 he represented Italy at the EUCYS. He wants to study physics and engineering and work in IT.
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