

Valerio Pagliarino

Valerio Pagliarino was born in Nizza Monferrato on April 14th in the year 2000. He has been interested in science since childhood, particularly electronics and physics. He is now 16 and attends the third year of the Liceo Scientifico (science and mathematics orientated high school). In 2015 he won the national Italian programming competition, the […]


Mattia Pappalardo

Mattia F. Pappalardo was born in 1984 due to a defective Durex product. He went on to study computer science with the aim to hack into the computers of every governmental agency in the coutry, but after the first Logics exam he lost all human ambition and will to live: so he switched to literature. […]

Luca Parenti

Luca Parenti

Textile e graphic designer, si è laureato presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze con una laurea sui tessuti a righe. Ha lavorato come disegnatore e ricercatore di tendenze. Dall’esperienza maturata nel campo della moda nasce il suo interesse professionale per il design e la grafica. È socio fondatore di Kidstudio. Insegna Visual Communication, Grafica per […]



Gianfranco Tartaglia (Passepartout) started out in 1978 using the stage-name Passepartout in Paese Sera, later moving on the Il Messaggero and in 1991 to Corriere della Sera. He has worked for the country’s most important newspapers (l’Unità, La Repubblica, l’Europeo, Il Mondo, Mondo Economico, Liberetà, Auto Oggi, Sale e Pepe, Panorama, Moda, Playboy and more). […]

marco pastonesi

Marco Pastonesi

Marco Pastonesi was born in Genoa in 1954. He was a sports journalist and correspondent for the “Gazzetta dello Sport” from 1992 to 2015, mostly covering cycling and rugby. His writings include: “Pantani era un dio” (66thand2nd), “Bartali’s demons” (Ediciclo), “Ovalia” (Baldini e Castoldi) and “ Dizionario degli All Blacks” (Dalai). He collaborates with the […]


Antonio Pavolini

One of the pioneers of podcasting, Antonio Pavolini has a long standing background as a new media trend explorator and analyst. He created and hosted several radio programmes covering the digital media transition, and co-authored the book “Connecting television. Television in the internet era” (Guerini e Associati, 2012). He cooperates with universities and research organization […]


Nicola Perullo

I am a professor of Aesthetics, and I teach at the University of Gastronomic Sciences at Pollenzo, I’m also a temporary lecturer, guest lecturer and visiting professor at other universities in Italy and abroad (Palermo University, San Raffaele University of Rome, Holy Cross College and Florida Atlantic University in the United States). I have worked […]

Pietrafesa Emma

Emma Pietrafesa

Dr Emma Pietrafesa (PhD) Research Assistant (Inail-Research Sector), Subject Assistant (LUMSA University) and Communicator. Post-university specialisations in public communication and international relations. International work experience: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) – Brussels (Permanent Representative of Italy-Press and Communications Office); Wyeth Lederle S. p. A. – Aprilia (Sales and Marketing Office); Amnesty International – Brussels (Francophone […]


Marco Pratellesi

Marco Pratellesi is editor in chief of l’Espresso online. He teaches the Master’s degree course Techniques and Language of Digital Journalism at Iulm University in Milan and at Pontificia Università Lateranense in Rome. Until August 2012 he was Director of Editorial Digital Development for Condé Nast Italia. From 2002 to 2010 he was editor in […]


Stefano Previti

Managing partner of Studio Previti since 1994. Stefano Previti has been qualified with rights of audience before the Corte di Cassazione (the Italian Supreme Court) since 2004. He mostly deals with civil and commercial law, intellectual property, communication law and company law. He is a member of UIA (Union Internacional des Avocats) and he is […]

luca randazzo

Luca Randazzo

Luca Randazzo was born in the turbulent Milan of the 1970’s and enjoyed a relatively carefree childhood surrounded by nature in the Trentino region. Heading for definite failure in astrophysics, he discovered a passion for teaching and began teaching at elementary school with great enthusiasm. He lives in Pisa where he engages in social activism. […]


Umberto Rapetto

Umberto Rapetto has been policing the Internet and doing such a good job of it that he knows what crimes will be committed even before the criminals do. A GDF General (the GDF is the Italian law enforcement agency responsible for dealing with financial crime and smuggling )he retired at the very early age of […]


Carlo Ratti

An architect and engineer by training, Carlo Ratti practices in Italy and teaches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he directs the Senseable City Lab. He graduated from the Politecnico di Torino and the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris, and later earned his MPhil and PhD at the University of Cambridge, […]


Massimiliano Razzano

Massimiliano Razzano is a fixed-term researcher in the Department of Physics “E.Fermi” at the University of Pisa, where he focuses on high energy astrophysics and gravitational waves and works on the Fermi-LAT and Virgo projects. After graduating from university and achieving a PhD in physics, he worked in the US at the University of California […]