

Love is forever until it stops answering

Olivia is 32 years old and earns a living divorcing people. Olivia’s boyfriend has also left her, but since Dario still sends her WhatsApp messages she is sure he’ll come back to her soon. And anyway, « getting dumped doesn’t happen when the person actually leaves: it’s only once there’s no denying your ex is in […]


Beyond the Noise

Because the internet is changing us, and not in the way newspapers and TV would like to have us believe

Brick by brick, Antonio Pavolini tears down the dominant story about the internet in his e-book “Beyond the Noise” (Informant), a novel that touches on obscurantism, which according to the author, has its roots in the will to limit, if not completely destroy, the discontinuity of the digital transition. Nell’e-book “Oltre il rumore” (Informant), Antonio […]


Storytelling in the age of Facebook

There has never been such a hunger for stories: new trends inside and around books

The way we read is changing. It is more « interstitial », « quick » and often « on social media » and a trend is emerging: we are living more and more immersed in stories, the reading of which fills and accompanies our lives. From Buzzfeed to Facebook, from Kindle to the Wattpad, the Internet and the digital world […]



The science of localization

If the Earth’s surface were a football pitch, the level of satellite-based localization precision would correspond to but a few hundredths of a millimeter: less than the thickness of a single hair! How is such a level of acute precision even possible? We look back on the history of GPS and the Italian software Tolomeo […]