Dr Francesca Ferrando is a posthuman philosopher. She teaches philosophy in the Liberal Studies Program at New York University (NYU). She holds a PhD in Theory and Philosophy of the Humanities from the University of Rome 3 and a M.A. in gender studies from the University of Utrecht (Holland). She has published several articles in […]
Francesco Ferrazzino, CEO and Founder of Proxy42 Inc. He has been working in the digital space for over 15 years. In 2010, Francesco founded a digital boutique based in Italy, specializing in analysis, design and implementation of websites, web, mobile app and games, digital marketing and consulting companies for digital projects and augmented reality. In […]
I am the Country Director for Italy on Change.org, the online petition platform that gives citizens of the world the possibility of creating the social change that they want to see. I arrived at Change.org in 2012, and before then I dealt with communication for various projects, among which was the communication for the development […]
Executive Director Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione Ministry of Economic Development ISCOM Rita Forsi was born in Pontedera (PI) on 23 August 1953. She has a degree in Physics and since 2008 has been Director of the Ministry of Economic Development’s Institute for Communications and Information Technologies. She is also Director of […]
Iaia Forte was born in Napoli and graduated from the Experimental Film Centre before starting out on stage with Toni Servillo. She collaborated for many years with the “Teatri Uniti” group. During her stage career she worked with people such as Leo De Bernardinis, Mario Martone, Carlo Cecchi, Federico Tiezzi, Valerio Binasco, Emma Dante, Alfonso […]
Carola Frediani is a journalist. In 2010 she co-founded the Effecinque agency. She has written about new technologies, digital culture, privacy and hacking for L’Espresso, Wired, Corriere della Sera, Sky.it, Il Secolo XIX, DailyDot, TechPresident, Motherboard. Since 2015 she has been collaborating with La Stampa, first as social media editor and currently as a member […]
Game Happens! is a collective of people who organize events and exhibitions around games with the aim to diffuse gaming culture and information around the most interesting creations outside the usual circles. Game Happens! was created as an annual event for people who design and develop games on any type of platform, digital or other […]
Claudio Germak is an architect and designer and teaches industrial design at the Turin Polytechnic. He studies production systems for industrial and artisan design. He is a product and process expert and has produced designer products and patents, curated exhibitions and installations, directed national and international research initiatives. Today he manages the ethical design team […]
Vera Gheno was born in Hungary 40 years ago and grew-up bilingual. She obtained a degree and a PhD in Italian Linguistics at the University of Florence. Since the year 2000, she has been managing the Accademia della Crusca’s Twitter account. She is an external faculty member of the University of Florence, the University for […]
Deputy mayor. General business. Twinning and international cooperation. Civil defence. Parks and green spaces. Tourism. Coordination of initiatives for the Pisa coastal strip and the “Rappresentanza Comunale per il Litorale” at the headquarters of CTP (Pisa Public Transport).
Massimo Giacon was born in Padua in 1961. Since 1980 he has worked in Milan as a creator of comics, illustrator, designer, artist and musician. He was a leading figure starting in the early 1980s in the renewal of Italian comics triggered by magazines like Frigidaire, Alter, Linus, Dolce Vita, Cyborg, Nova Express. He also […]
Marco Giarratana start writing on internet in early 2005 contributing to musical webzines (Silent Scream Zine, Onda Rock, Il Cibicida). On February 2012 launches www.uomosenzatonno.com, food blog of recipes he creates described with an ironic style and references to literature and music. From 2011 to 2015 he’s copy for Groupon, but in december 2015 he’s […]
Guido Gili is a professor of Communication and Media Sociology at the University of Molise, where he was previously dean of the faculty of Humanities and Social Science (2002-2009) and coordinator of the PhD course in Sociology and Social Research (2004-2011). He has taught at the University of Bologna, the University of Macerata and at […]
Stefano Giordano è professore associato presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione: dell’Università di Pisa e titolare dei Corsi obbligatori “Networking e Internet” e di “Ingegneria del Teletraffico” rispettivamente nell’ambito del Corso di Laurea e Laurea Specialistica in Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni. E’ stato docente di Reti di Telecomunicazioni anche presso l’Accademia Navale di Livorno e titolare […]
Giulio Giorello is a philosopher and mathematician. He has taught Philosophy of Science at the University of Milan. He is a columnist for the Corriere della Sera and manages the “Science and Ideas” series at the Raffaello Cortina publishing house. His main focuse ranges from reflections on the philosophy of mathematics to the relationship between […]
Sergio Giudici was born in Turin in 1967 and holds a degree in Physics. He has followed the specialization course of the Scuola Normale Superiore. His research activities focus on the physics of elementary particles within the context of various experiments carried out at the CERN in Geneva. He has penned more than eighty articles […]
In 2005, Michele founded Mimilab, a creative studio with offices in Milan, was un expert in communication and design of presentations. Michele spend much time to create of video games / web solutions, UI / UX design. Professor of Media and Meditation in Palermo, teaching Usability how visiting professor at Bicocca University , Istituto Marangoni […]
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