
stefania grillo 2

Stefania Grillo

Stefania Grillo was born in Gallarate (VA) on December 23, 1989. After she graduated in Art at the University of Parma, she was an apprentice at the Culture Department of Reggio Emilia. Curator of Mantova Gaming Art, she is currently the project manager of VG Perspective, an event planning platform. She organizes conventions about retrogaming, […]


Beppe Gromi

Beppe Gromi is a painter, writer and theatre director. In 1984 he joined one of the most important youth theatre companies, the Bagatto company in Turin. In 1993 he founded the Fabula Rasa company and set off on other paths. In 1996, he won the “Città di Padova” award for the show entitled “Mondotondo”. In […]


Federico Guerri

Federico Guerri is a native of the Maremma transplanted to Pisa. He is a playwright, teacher of theatre and creative writing, director, improviser, family man and Mayor of Mondo di Nerd (not necessarily in that order). He is the author of a frightening number of debut works, both for children’s theatre projects and for professional […]


Barbara Henry

Barbara Henry was born in Lucca in 1959. She is a professor of philosophy at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa. She was a researcher at the Ruhr University of Bochum, the University of Saarland, the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and held courses at Frankfurt University. Her main areas of interests and research are: […]


Wim Hupperetz

Hupperetz (1966) is Director of the Allard Pierson Museum. He studied Ancient History and Provincial Roman Archaeology at Radboud University in Nijmegen. In 2004 he defended his PhD thesis at he University of Tilburg – on The memory of a street – Eighthundred years of living in the Visserstraat in Breda. Promotores were prof. dr. […]


I sacchi di Sabbia

Theatre company I sacchi di Sabbia came to life in Pisa in 1995. The company stands out from others on the scene for its ability to marry popular traditions with cultural research, constantly pushing itself to creatively explore diverse terrains, from literature to cinema (Sandokan or the end of the Adventure and Tràgos) and from […]

Stefania Iannizzotto

Stefania Iannizzotto is Sicilian and has a degree in the history of the Italian language (with a thesis on Leopardi that received an award from the Centre for Leopardian studies in Recanati) as well as a PhD in modern philology and a Master’s degree in rare book studies. She is also a fully qualified teacher […]

marco innocenti

Marco Innocenti

Socio fondatore di Kidstudio dove da quasi 20 anni si occupa di branding, graphic ed editorial design per turismo, cultura, istituzioni, food, eventi e moda. È docente di Branding e Publishing al Master in Graphic Design di IED Firenze, insegna Digital Fashion nei corsi di laurea triennali, è relatore di tesi per i corsi di […]


Salvatore Ippolito

Salvatore Ippolito, Country Manager, Twitter Italia. Salvatore Ippolito can boast more than 15 years’ experience in the Italian digital sector, thanks to numerous jobs in major companies. Having obtained a law degree at the University of Naples and an MBA at SDA Bocconi School of Management, Salvatore Ippolito began his professional career in 1987 with […]


Klára Kalibová

Klára Kalibová – director of In IUSTITIA, lawyer, analyst, author; her main focus and expertize is hate crime, hate speech and victims´ rights. She has implemented research on hate crime (Forgotten Victims, 2010; Hate Crime Study for Fundamental Rights Agency 2013; Sexual Violence in the Czech Judiciary Practice 2013). Recently she focuses on victims´ rights. […]

Domenico Laforenza

Domenico Laforenza

Domenico Laforenza has been the director of the Institute for Informatics and Telematics at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) di Pisa since 1st July 2008. From the same date he has also been head of Registro.it, the register for .it domain names. Technological Director of the CNR from 1981 to the 30th June 2008, […]


Francesco Lanzo

In my past lives i was a physicist, volounteer, science communicator, evangelist, digital divide fighter, webdesigner and self defense teacher. I study Game Design with passion @Event Horizon. Nostalgic retrogamer, i hate writing my bio from 1986.


Cecilia Laschi

Prof. Cecilia Laschi is Full Professor of Biorobotics at the BioRobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, Italy, where she serves as Rector’s delegate to Research. She graduated in Computer Science at the University of Pisa in 1993 and received the Ph.D. in Robotics from the University of Genoa in 1998. In 2001-2002 […]

Germana Lavagna

I was born in Genoa in 1983. Having obtained a degree in philosophy, I moved to New York where I began working as a photographer for an art gallery. After a series of trips to Mexico, India , Africa and Europe, I came back to Italy to work as photo editor for the press publications […]


Steven Le Comber

Dr Le Comber’s research covers a wide range of subjects within evolutionary biology, including mathematical and computer models of molecular evolution. Much of this work focusses on the mathematics of spatial patterns, and in his talk he will explain how has pioneered the introduction of geographic profiling – a statistical technique originally developed in criminology […]


Fabrizio Lipani

Fabrizio Lipani is social entrepreneur and changemaker. Founder and contributor of several nonprofit organizations that develop innovative solutions to social issues, such Polline Art, CL Makers and Farmidabile. He works closely with Farm Cultural Park, an ambitious project that has transformed the run-down and semi-abandoned heart of Favara, in southern Sicily, into a destination place […]


Geert Lovink

Geert Lovink is a media theorist, internet critic and author of Dark Fiber (2002), Zero Comments (2007), Networks Without a Cause (2012) and Social Media Abyss (2016). Since 2004 he is researcher in the Faculty of Digital Media and Creative Industries at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) where he is the founder of the Institute of Network Cultures. […]