Turi Caggegi has been a professional journalist since 1985 and an Italian Web pioneer. He has vast experience working with major national newspapers and periodicals as well as radio, television and the internet. In 1996, based in Catania, he broadcast the first online news bulletin in Italy (Telecor).
In 2002 he was a member of the commission for the promotion of Italian culture abroad via new technologies for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in 1999, he was one of the experts in charge of the digitalization of the National Order of Journalists. For more than ten years he was at the helm of various publishing houses, IT and Web companies in Italy and abroad.
In 2013 he celebrated the designation of Mount Etna as a UNESCO World Heritage Site by creating the first app dedicated to Europe’s biggest active volcano for iOS and Android: iEtna.
He is passionate about the internet and social media, meteorology, photography and volcanos and has always been interested in the development of communication efficiency, particularly in situations of emergency and for the prevention of environmental risks and natural disasters. He organized a whole day of discussions at the Internet Festival 2015 dedicated to Innovation and environmental emergencies, also touching upon the question of civil protection.
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