Cibo Divino


Food Blogger

Recipes that tell the contemporary tale

Renata Balducci (Veganblog) The recipes of reveal a shift towards a more ethical and informed world Claudia Ciabattini With an open fridge. Relationships in the age of organic food Lorenza Dadduzio The inclusive and creative table of cucinaMancina. The food community for those who eat differently Giulia Scarpaleggia From cupcakes to panzanella. A story […]


Food Photography

A food experience in a snapshot

Andrea Di Lorenzo Instinct and geometry: how to photograph food Claudia Sirchia Telling your story through food: who and what you are in a cup of coffee Lido Vannucchi Using photography to tell a story Francesco Pruneddu Eating out in the age of Instagram: sharing your food experience with the #Onthetable


Food and Wine Tourism

Welcoming guests to your winery and using web marketing to attract them

Even at a time of economic crisis, food and wine tourism still appears to be going strong. Your typical food and wine tourist is still spending quite a lot, unlike other types of tourists. This is why more and more wine producers have begun developing hospitality services. Food and wine tourism is also a way […]


The IF Food Story

The IF2016 food photography experience

Imagine you’re having dinner with friends, and you’re about to tuck into a very special and beautiful dish. You’d love to share this moment on your social media channels- but how do you take the perfect photo? How do you take a picture from above? How do you adjust the light? And what do you […]


Taste marketing (Workshop)

What are the absolute must ingredients?

The past years have seen an increase in the number and popularity of food related events; indeed culinary shows, traditional markets, wine tastings and theme specific dinners are all on the rise. Yet this increase in popularity also implies a direct rise in competition as well as higher customer expectations. During this workshop we shall […]