Anna Lupini
Titina Maccioni
Marco Magurno
Marco Magurno was born in Pescia in 1974 and lives and works in Pisa. He works on visual communication, graphic and web design. In 2016 he published an installation-book entitled « Diorama » for the publishing house Il Saggiatore.
Francesco Malavolta
BIO: Francesco Malavolta is a photo-journalist and member of the Chamber of Journalists of Calabria. He has first studied at the Istituto Superiore della Fotografia in Rome and afterwards at the IED in Milan. Since 1994 he has been working with national and international photo-agencies as well as humanitarian organisations such as UNHCR and IOM. […]
Roberto Malfagia
Roberto Malfagia obtained his Master’s degree in narrative techniques in 2004, at the Holden School of Turin. He has taught creative writing and short movie screenplay writing at the Holden School. He has collaborated with Holden Art on various projects on the narrative of cultural heritage and has participated in the research project “New museographic […]
Matteo Mannucci
Lanfranco Marasso
Lanfranco Marasso (Italia, 1965) è un ingegnere P.; ha preso il dottorato di ricerca in materia di Process Engineering presso il Politecnico di Milano. Attualmente è direttore dello Smart City programma presso Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA (Www.eng.it [2] – Italia). E ‘stato coinvolto in ruoli di gestione (CEO, CIO) in aziende private a livello nazionale […]
Enrico Marchetto
Fabio Martinelli
Fabio Martinelli is a researcher at the IIT (The Institute of Telematics and Informatics) of the CNR (National Research Council) where he is head of cyber security: He has co-written many scientific papers that have been published in numerous conference proceedings and international journals. His research activities are focused on the security of distributed and […]
Stefano Marzani
I have a diploma in Computer Science, a Bachelor’s in Managerial Engineering, and a doctorate in Innovative Engineering with a thesis in Human-Machine Interaction (HMI). The progression of my studies coincides with what I have been passionate about: from software and hardware development to the application of technology to allow people to be satisfied with […]
Anna Masera
After graduating from Yale University she got her masters in journalism at Columbia University in New York. She began working in Italian journalism at the financial newspaper Italia Oggi in 1986, then moved to Reuters and Arnold Mondadori Editore’s monthly magazines Fortune and Espansione. During this time she worked as Italian correspondent on the American […]
Fabio Massa
Dr Fabio Massa is a ranking member of the Italian Carabinieri and is National Vice-Chairman of the National Association of Computer Forensics Experts, ANGIF. He is a computer forensics consultant for various Italian court houses as well as national and international police forces. He has obtained various international titles and certifications, including: Evidence Collector and […]
Massimiliano Mattei
Alessandro Mazzarisi
Alessandro Mazzarisi – Senior Technician at National Research Council Institute of Clinical Physiology, Co-author of International Publications, Peer-reviewed Articles, International Conference Papers, Full-Texts, I am a visionary technician with over thirty years of experience working with teams whose focus is on integrating technology into our healthcare systems. Passionate about innovation, as well as on improving […]
Anna Meacci
Maurizio Melis
Maurizio Melis, popularizer of science and technology, hosts the daily broadcast “Smart City, Voci e Luoghi dell’Innovazione [Smart City, Voices and Places of Innovation],” on Radio 24: Il Sole 24 Ore, where he was author and host of various programs, including the feature dedicated to efficient and renewable energy called “Mr. Kilowatt.” As an expert […]
Angelo Raffaele Meo
Michele Mezza
Michele Mezza has been a journalist for the Rai network for 36 years. She was previously the network’s special envoy in Moscow and Beijing and now works on the technological reorganization of the newsrooms, unifying the various departments. She is project manager for RAINews24. She currently teaches Digital Culture at the Department of Social Science […]
Antonella Michelotti
I was born and grow up in Tuscany but my heart is in Pantelleria, (Sicily) where I lived for a long time. I’m the author of the blog Cucinaresuperfacile.com. I consider Cucina Mancina as my ‘food family’. After nearly thirty years of restaurants management, where I cooked personally, I cannot stop cooking, as cooking is […]
Andrea Michielotto
Andrea Michielotto was born via parthenogenesis from another multicellular organism called Andrea Michielsette. He is considered one of the most important living uzbek authors, even though he believes he writes in Italian. He is currenlty working as Domenico Scilipoti’s ghost writer.
Francesco Paolo Micozzi
Francesco Paolo Micozzi is a lawyer and works in criminal law. He is particularly interested in IT law, new technologies, privacy and copyright. He collaborates with the department of legal informatics and advanced legal informatics of the University of Milan and is a fellow at the Hermes Centre for Transparency and Digital Human Rights. He […]
Sunita Miftarov
Riccardo Milanesi
Riccardo Milanesi graduated from the Holden School in Turin in Narrative techniques. He has written sit-coms for Magnolia and in 2008 and won the award for best original screenplay at the Mystfest. He created and directed “The Other”, the first Facebook series, which received an award at the L.A. WebFestival as well as at the […]
Edoardo Montenegro
Edoardo Montenegro – (@TorinoAnni10) A graduate in Communication Sciences, he got his Masters in Marketing & e-Commerce from SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan. Since 1997 he has been working in the banking sector, for which he looks after the web and internal communication. From 2005 to 2011 he taught argumentative writing for the […]
Monica Montgomery
Monica O. Montgomery is an international speaker, graduate professor, museum director and cultural entrepreneur, curating media and museums to be in service to society. She is a winner of the 2016 Arts Entrepreneurship Award from Fractured Atlas. Monica is Founding Director of the Museum of Impact (MOI) the first mobile social justice museum, inspiring action […]
Mario Morcone
Mario Morcone was born in Caserta on October 27th 1952. He is married, has 2 children and has been a civil servant since 1976. In 1988 he became chief executive for the Prime Minister, in 1990 he was appointed Director General of the PCM, in 1991 chief executive of the Ministry of Education and in […]
Davide Morelli
John Mpaliza
In Italia da 23 anni e conosciuto in mezza Europa come il “Peace Walking Man”, John Mpaliza, è un ingegnere informatico di origine congolese che ha deciso di usare i propri piedi per sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica e le istituzioni circa il dramma che vive il popolo congolese. John organizza marce internazionali, molto partecipate, che gli […]
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